Carry Each Other's Burdens

July 18, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

"Carry each other's burdens... - Galatians 6:2

Rainbows are my absolute favorite. I love seeing them in the sky or in the spray of a waterfall. If there is sunshine and rain, I’m looking up and opposite of the sun trying to find a bow. A couple of weeks ago I saw this cloud while driving. I knew it had promises of a rainbow in it. I was close to a familiar county road so I drove to where I could pull over. I waited and prayed. It had been the type of weekend where I just needed a little assurance from the Lord. As I waited, a text from my daughter “its so pretty” and a picture of a rainbow. I realized we were looking at the same cloud. She could see from where she was standing what I knew was there but couldn’t see with my own eyes. I actually drove down the road, slightly jealous, to get a different angle after her text but never saw anything. I did get to witness a beautiful sunset and as the sun was setting, I thanked the Lord that she could see. It's one of my greatest prayers. "Lord these kids have been through a lot. May they always be able to see evidence of Your goodness." 

I posted both of these cell phone shots to my social media and went to my meeting. Afterwards I checked to see multiple notifications. Friends had posted images of their rainbow view. My heart smiled. Isn’t this how the body of believers should work? When a fellow Christian struggles to see the Lord (who we know is there), other Christ followers can come alongside, encourage, and point out evidence of His existence. Chapter 6 of Galatians is so good. "Carry each other's burdens". "Let us not become weary in doing good". "As we have opportunity let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers". 


Rainbows and shooting stars are God reminders for me. In 13 days my crew saw 7 rainbows in the sky. He is good. He is faithful. He is slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Whatever reminders you need from the Lord, I pray He gives them. If you’ve waited and waited to get a glimpse of Him and just can’t see the evidence with your own eyes, I pray there is someone who comes along side you and says: "look, He’s right here!! He see you and He loves you so much." 


Take time to encourage someone today. It can be as simple as texting a few words or an image of their favorite thing. You just might be the glimpse of the Lord they needed to see. "Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts." - Colossians 3:16


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