Weekly Highlight: Sunset Over Mobile Street

February 20, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Sunset Over Mobile Street

   Most of the time, shots are carefully planned. I know the location I'm wanting to shoot, the time frame I want to shoot it in, and I have the image planned out in my  mind. Sometimes it goes according to planned, more often than not however, it requires multiple trips to the same location. This shot however, was a spur of the moment, 3 images on a quick walk back to the car, and has since been featured by a couple different Alabama instagram feeds.  You just never know...

    I was downtown doing a senior photo session. This senior happened to be the big sister of one of my girls best friends. My little girl joined in as well as her friend and we walked the streets of downtown Florence taking senior photos. Carlie Rocked her session and I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time, in fact, I totally lost track of time. I realized my little girl was about to be late for a choir performance at church. We were almost finished taking photos anyway, just not even close to where we had parked :) Addi (my little girl) and I rushed to our car...relative term, I was only about a month post op from knee surgery. Along the way I happened to look at the sky as we crossed Mobile street and saw this...I had no idea what my camera was set on but I took 3 quick photos, framing up the best I could, and we were on our way.

(these girls...and then just a couple of Carlie, more from that session here)

     When I got home, downloaded these photos I couldn't believe what how incredible the sky was over Mobile street.  This was such a beautiful view of Florence and the small town that I love. I love the stone part of  Mobile street between Legends and the Shoals Theatre.  You can see mainstreet/Court street and the sky...just look at that sky. I am so thankful for these moments and pieces of beauty. Not every day ends this way, nor does a spur of the moment shot become a favorite. In this instance however, I was so grateful to have captured this view of downtown Florence and thankful for time spent with my little girl doing what I love. May you always take a few moments to look up.

Taken with a Canon 1-DSii and Canon 100mmL-lens. f/3.2, 800ISO and 1/8000 shutter shot in aperture priority mode



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